Adolescent Health & Well Being

The Problem

Today’s generation of young people is the largest the world has ever known, yet young people rarely have a seat at the decision-making table. As a result, policies, programmes, and services targeting young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights often fail to reflect their realities and diverse needs. In Zimbabwe and the region, they experience several legal, policy, service delivery and human rights barriers that hinder access to, and uptake of SRHR services. Key among these barriers are stigma based on age or sexual orientation, insufficient budget allocation, inconsistent legislation and policies that are not fully aligned to the constitution. There is need to review current policies and address vulnerabilities leading to forced and early child marriages, teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortions, harmful cultural practices and sexual violence.

The Solution

We partner with Ministry of Health, National Aids Council and Zimbabwe National Family Planning council to deliver integrated SRHR services in hard to reach communities whilst piloting and documenting innovative approaches to reach the diverse groups of adolescents and young people including living with HIV, living with disability, Selling sex and LGBTQIs. We integrate the use of mobile technology and social media to deliver SRH and HIV knowledge and awareness as well referral to service providers. This strategy also integrates community-based approaches for information dissemination, peer support, and service referrals. We will aim to expand and improve support for the delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in schools, tertiary institutions and building support for SRH for adolescence and young people among communities and families.

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